Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Common Ground Fair

Yay for Common Ground. SOMEONE's nagging for fair pictures so here's a start.
We were both staaaaaaaaarving when we arrived. We'd been on the road since 7am and it was now 1pm and we were still without food. So we hunted round the food stall, and while I'm sure all that health stuff was good, I don't like alot of things so we stuck with the organic beef burger, can't go wrong with meat right??? So we devoured our burgers in minutes but still had a gapping hole in our stomachs. The next step for me was fries but we didn't want to stand in the looooong line up so we decided to take a walk around for a while.
Moose -"Where too??"
Me - *grins* " The DONKIES!!!!"
If you don't already know I'm in looooooove with Donkies, well pretty much all animals to tell the truth but Donkies have a special place in my heart. They are just so darn CUTE!
We scoured the animals stalls, looking for the Donkies. Took TONS of pictures of all the animals but I've included a few of my faves in this post.

Miseour Alpaca! These creatures are very skidish. They don't like to be come at with your hands out to pet them, but they sure don't mind if you've got some carrots :)
I've decided Mini donk's are my favourite and something Moose and I hope to own a few of some day. Most of the Donkies were light grey but this little guy was my fav, the brown Donk. In other pictures I look of him he had his ears flopped down but something caught his attention just as I was taking the last picture and I captured this shot with his ears up. Reminds me of Summer when she hears something, the ears perk right up. too cute! You can see part of the Donkies cross, the black stripe just by his shoulder blade. All Donkies have a cross marked in usually darker hair along their back. The legend of the Donkey Cross can be read here
This next picture is of Ben, he's a mule, part horse/part donkey. We could not get over the size of the mules. They are around the same height as a horse but look like a donkey. Here Ben's owner was showing us his teeth, he told us that as a mule gets older their teeth grow out the way so they have to file their teeth down. If the teeth are not filed down, the mule can't eat right and could end up starving to death. Ben was such a sweetheart and when I got up close enough to pet him the owner informed me that he was going to take me home with him to look after the mules because he liked being pet by me. :) lol little did he know I would have taken up that offer in a second.
Of course there were MOO MOO'S! This baby moo moo was a little scared at all the going's on. It was friday when we went to the fair, the day when bus loads of children come so I'm sure he'd had millions of kids around him. I just went up to pet him and tell him everything was ok when moose took this picture. The only picture of me from the whole weekend :) What can I say, I like to be behind the camera.
So there you have some of the animal's from the fair, I of course took TONS more, and I'll have a complete post on Alpaca's and the organic beef burger soon so stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I'm bAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! Well ok I've been back since Sunday night but you know that horrible word called *work* yeah I've been slaving there and haven't had time to get my pictures downloaded but now I'm all set :)
I'll give you the 411 on the Common Ground Fair next post, in the meantime we stayed in Waterville friday and saturday night. I small little town kinda like where I live now but with a few more BIG box stores. We had a great time even though it rained all of saturday and sunday. I got to go to Yarn Good Store......... yummm. That place was wall to wall yarn and I was soooo over whelmed I had trouble finding stuff. I did however go in with a list in my head of what I would like to get and dang nabbit I came out with it all. Now that is a successful yarn trip. I walked back to the truck with a big grin on my face, jumped inside and said "Ok, I'm Happy"
Saturday night we saw an advertisement in the paper for BINGO! Now I've always joked to Moose that we should go play Bingo some night for fun and Saturday turned out to be the night. We played at the local legion in town and there were a good hundred other players raring to go when we got there. For $13 we got to play all the games, which lasted 2 and a half hours and we had a great laugh. It was soooo much fun, I was on the edge of my seat ever time I was a couple of numbers away. We didn't win any money but we definately will try bingo around our area sometime soon. Moose had never played before and I'd only played as kids so I wasn't quite sure of all the terminology but a really nice couple next to us helped us out through out the night. The one thing we just couldn't understand was how some people called it BEANO...... still have no idea why and the couple next to us said its just what some people call it.
Okey DOkey!
Of course it wouldn't be a trip to the states without getting my "things you can't get in Canada" items. Thats 10 boxes of Frosted Cherrios, 10 bozes of brown sugar pop tarts and I managed to get a couple of boxes of my well patches. We couldn't help but giggle all the way through Hannafords with all that cereal but it will be soooooo worth it when I'm eating cheerios this winter yummmmm!
If you'll remember a few posts ago I said I had finished my jungle socks and started on another pair. I had the cuff done but couldn't get up the energy to do much else on it. Well this weekend and last night I really got stuck into that sock. The pattern was really fun once I go going and wasn't as hard as I had planned. I thought I was going to have to be reading the chart the whole time but it was simple repeats of patterns so it knit up fast. I'm now a couple of inches away from starting the heel but ohhhhh how I love that pink and grey section. Those two colours just go sooo well, I almost wish there were no pink/purple splashes throughout but oh well.
I of course didn't forget about Sockolope while I was away. I brought back some Catnip for her. I'm going to knit some catnip mice for her as Mr. Mouse is still MIA and he's the only thing she will play with other than pieces of paper.

Its 5 more days until the Run for the Cure, I'm still a few dollars away from my goal. I'm got to head down to the Market to pick up some Fleece Artist which will be the prize for the random number generated winner. Donate now so your name can be added to the pot.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Day of Wheeling

Lots of four wheeling got done on the last trip.............

In between the naps of course :)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

All is well!

YAYYYYY!! I gots me a toy to play with!
We are all doing fine and dandy here in Celtic Ville, a little tired but good.
Yesterday I finally got a camera to replace my broken one. I've only had about an hour tops to play with it so far but I love it, the neighbours can expect to see me lying in the driveway, hanging from trees or standing on the roof, you know wherever I can get a good picture! I love this thing and can't wait to capture some moments from the Common Grounds Fair this weekend.
We are leaving tomorrow morning and hoping to be there by lunch time to check out the sites. I'm meeting up with Dianna and hopefully Amy Boogie at some point this weekend. I am sooo glad for the break from work, I need to just get out in the good ole fresh air and enjoy the fair.

Now tomorrow is Moose's BDay!!! I can't help but get excited for these things. I like everything to be a secret and then bounce around trying not to let it all out until the big day. He already got his gifts from both sets of parents so that just leaves me :) ohhhhh one more sleep! Who says birthdays are just another day when you get old...... phoey! Its all excitement in Celtic Ville.

Don't forget the Tweeding Along KAL starts in TWO days! You can join at any time so don't be shy, grab some tweed and come join us.

So you my get a post or two from the road but I'll leave you with a few Autumn pics I took this evening. It definately has arrived!

Now it wouldn't be a photo op without taking a picture of my best Model!
* &@#$@@ I thought I put enough sand in there to break that thing*

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Run for the Cure!

On October 1st Moose and I will be Walking for the Cure. Breast Cancer has touched sooo many people, around the world whether it be themselves, families, friends and loved ones. I don't think there is one person out there that can say that they don't know SOMEONE who has gone through it. If we all give a few dollars to this more than worthy cause we can make Breast Cancer HISTORY. So I'm calling upon my fellow knitters and blog readers to sponsor me for this walk. It doesn't have to be much, a few dollars can make such a difference. I will have a prize for a random sponsor October 1st which will be choosen by random number generator. Go here to Donate!

In knitting news - I'm getting things ready for the Tweeding Along KAL but i'm kinda missing my pattern and yarn lol I know what I'm knitting though. I want to knit the tweedy aran cardigan from Interweave Knits Winter 01/02 You can see Ei's version that inspired me here If anyone has this issue and would be up for a trade or selling it please let me know ASAP!! Thanks!

Now about my poor camera. Moose pryed the thing open and its still rendered useless because the zoom len is still inside another part of the camera. Good news is Moose said he was going to get me the *nice* camera I've been wanting for a while, for my next gift giving occasion so he said I may as well get it now WOOT WOOT!!! Now who can suggest a really nice digital camera thats got that big old lense on the front, kinda like Cara's. Anyone??

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

RIP Camera!

Well Moose called the camera shop today and I guess my camera is DEAD! They said that we would have to send it back to the company and they said by the time you get it back you may as well just buy a new one. The only thing they said they could try was to blow the sand out with compressed air, and they were going to charge $40 for that...... ummmm I think we'll use the air pig we have at home. He tried it and nothing happened so I guess its bye bye camera. :(

We have had a total change in weather here, when I got up to go to work this morning the temp outside was reading 2 degrees.... BURRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! The house was freezing too! Moose cleaned the chimney yesterday and brought our first batch of wood in so we will soon be lighting the fire at night. Yippee!
I loooovee fall, I must say this is my favourite time of year and I can't wait to get out in the fresh air tomorrow. We are headed up to Moose's mum and dad's to go four wheeling tomorrow, I hope we can use their camera because the leaves are just starting to change.

Laura totally surprised me yesterday with this post . Yeah how totally sweet is she, my very own colourway and its BEAUTIFUL! *HUGS*Laura and a certain other Cat lover lady have been here with me since I began blogging, if it wasn't for those two I might not even have a blog. So hugs all around :)

Well I guess thats all I have for now, I've gotta get Sockies packed up for the trip, little does she know the cat carrier is awaiting her heheheh
Hopefully I'll have a few rows done by the time I get back!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Tweeding Along

Crafty Weasel and myself have come up with an exciting KAL ready to kick off the fall and winter months! Its called Tweeding Along!!

The rules are simple!

* start date First day of Autumn 23rd September

* End date First day of Winter 20th March

* You pick the project and we pick the type of yarn, yes a little backwards I know. But as long as you are using some tweed yarn the sky's the limit.

* This is my first KAL and I believe Claudia's as well.... Am I right???

So if you want to join email us at tweedingalong(at)gmail(dot)com or leave a comment here and we'll get you started! We want to enjoy our tweed with all you other tweed enthusists so tell all your knitblog buddies to sign up so we can have a great knit together.

Tweed ya'll later :)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Yay for Summy!

Yay for Knitters Tea Swap 2!! I signed up for this a few days ago and they are already at 150 swappers. Only 200 will be allowed so if you want in you better sign up now!

Thank you all for your concern about Summer. She is back at mum and dad's now and I miss her something awful. She gets soooo excited to see dad though so I know she's doing well where she is. I finally got the results today from the vet and it was only a benine (sp) tumor so nothing to worry about. She said that it could grow back in the same spot, usually if they do grow back its much slower than before but it does not have any risk of spreading. So all in all she's gonna be ok *grins* Moose had to bandage her up before she left to go home though as she tried to scratch the wound and made is start to bleed with her nail. Its healing up nicely now but apparently she's still trying to scratch it. Dad put talcum powder on it today to hopefully easy the itch for her.

I STILL don't have a camera :( I'm gonna have to get it sorted asap. I finished my jungle socks and I've started another pair in the Lorna's Lace I got while I was in Boston, I am loving the colour so far.

Today I also ripped out the tank by saunshine that I finished but it turned out waaayyyyyy to small. I plan to cast on for that soon as well as another OSW possibly with sleeves.

Its only 2 more weeks till Common Ground in Unity, Maine and I'm hopping excited!!! I can't waiiiit! I'm also going to have a little stop in at Yarn Goods Center in Waterville and hopefully find some goodies!

My good friend Miss Laura is starting a knitalong for the KnitPicks Palette Fair Isle Cardigan. If you are interested in joining or know someone who would give Laura a shout, she'll be glad of the knitting company :)

I'm ready ready ready to knit sweaters and cardi's for winter. I've got sooooo many ideas in mind but I really need to gather my thoughts and figure out what is at the top of the list. Then maybe I can pick something up in Maine. :)

Have a great weekend everyone!